See, Ibis babies "head drilled out"!

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Sea-first "second generation IBIS" is born this morning, weighs 47 grams, present very healthy Shen Minlan (reporter Shen Minlan) "Liuyi" children's day, ushered in the first Crested Ibis Shanghai baby. " Zhu Ibis baby of head drill out has ", today 10:40 A.M., first only" IBIS II generation Wholesale Dsi Charger "broken shell and out, umbilical cord disinfection, check chicks development situation, for IBIS baby said heavy," IBIS baby heavy 47 grams, very health ". first let baby sleep a good sleep animal" nurse "Yu Jinhua said," after 12 hours of broken Wholesale Dsi Charger shell efforts, now Crested Ibis baby most needs of is good rest, meet better of ' Ibis health years ' ". According to, freshmen Ibis baby needed in incubator within comfortably to sleep Shang 12-24 hours, You can start eating. Ibis baby "baby" Wholesale Dsi Charger food formula has been formulated, mainly of monopterus Albus, loach, mixed with milk, egg yolks, vitamins, combined with the small amount of drug aid digestion, all the materials to be mixed and mixing, playing to a fine
Pulp, simulation Ibis dad, Analog TV Cell Phones and Ibis MOM chewing of effect. full records broken shell process from yesterday early this morning eggshell uplift a small package, to IBIS baby Peck opened a small hole, and in eggshell Shang issued a "small skylight" began, this full records "IBIS Analog TV Cell Phones II generation" broken shell was born process: May 31 at 5 o'clock in the morning: eggshell Shang uplift a small package, Ibis baby began to hard hard of eggshell launched "attack", "nurse" in eggshell Shang spray water, increased eggshell of brittle, Analog TV Cell Phones help Ibis baby broken shell; at 9 o'clock in the morning: Ibis baby in "Peck" Out a rice size of small hole; noon at 12 o'clock: rice large of small hole expanded to has black bean size; at 4 o'clock in the afternoon: observation to IBIS baby in constantly to circling, egg also with of kept to shake, Ibis baby edge circling edge Peck opened a ring eggshell, a ring go finished, a eggshell fall, egg lower, and Ibis baby feet Department location appears together small sewing; night at 6 o'clock to June 1 at 5 o'clock in the morning: Yu Jinhua follow SB. closely observation, night at 8 o'clock around observation to IBIS baby go
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